Nursing Care of Patients with Congestive Heart Failure with Acute Respiratory Failure : 2 Case Studies


  • Thanyarat Mongkolsiripattara Mahasarakham Hospital


Nursing, Heart failure, Respiratory failure


              This study was a comparative study of 2 case studies to study nursing care of patients with congestive heart failure combined with acute respiratory failure who received treatment at the female medical ward of Maha Sarakham Hospital. Since the crisis period, continuous care, and discharge planning by collecting information from patients, relatives, medical records, symptom assessment, history, and physical examination, and examination with special equipment to know the problem of patient needs. Then data were used for formulating nursing diagnoses and nursing care plan using the concept of patient assessment according to Gordon's 11 health plans and Orem's theory of self-care.

              The results of the two case study studies have similar and different issues. It was found that nurses play an important role in patient care from gathering information, taking history, evaluating symptoms, and monitoring for complications that may occur. The researcher therefore analyzed nursing problems and used the nursing process to formulate comprehensive nursing diagnoses both physically, mentally, emotionally and socially, as well as bringing skills, experience and expertise in caring for patients with heart failure and acute respiratory failure. Nursing results were evaluated and found that the patient's symptoms improved. The nurse plans care together with the patient and relatives to be able to take care of yourself, prevent complications and reduce readmission in the hospital.


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How to Cite

Mongkolsiripattara, T. . (2023). Nursing Care of Patients with Congestive Heart Failure with Acute Respiratory Failure : 2 Case Studies. Region 11 Medical Journal, 37(4), 83–96. Retrieved from