Administrative Factors Associated with Teachers’ Work with Students’ Oral Health Promotion in The Healthy Teeth, Happy Life Network, Thunyaburi District, PathumThani Province


  • Arunsri Polwongsa Nakhon Nayok Provincial Public Heath Office


Administrative Factor, Administrative Process, Oral Health Promotion


Background: Dental caries and gingivitis are the problems that most students get diagnosed with, the diseases are preventable. The developmental of the oral health promotion system for students to increase efficiency and sustainable. It consists of many factors to support process of oral health promotion.

Objectives: Aimed to study administrative factors and administrative process associated with Teachers’ Work with Students’ Oral Health Promotion in The Healthy Teeth, Happy Life Network, Thunyaburi District, Pathum Thani Province.

Method: A survey research. The population consisted of all teachers who worked in promoting oral health among students in network of Healthy teeth Happy life Thanyaburi, Pathum Thani province, educational year 2566, total 114 people. Collected data using questionnaires. Confidence values ​​were analyzed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient formula, the value was equal to 0.976. Correlation data were analyzed using Pearson's correlation coefficient statistics.

Results: The results showed that administrative factors, administrative process and Teachers’ Work with Students’ oral Health Promotion had mean score in a high level(=4.48, S.D.=0.437, = 4.51, S.D.=0.419 and =4.37, S.D.=0.552, respectively). The association analysis results showed that administrative factors and administrative process were positively associated with Teachers’ Work with Students’ Oral Health Promotion with statistical significance (r=0.739, p-value<0.001 and r=0.813, p-value<0.001, respectively).

Conclusion: Administrative factors and administrative process were positively associated with Teachers’ Work with Students’ Oral Health Promotion with statistical significance. Therefore, administrators should provide continuously enough administrative factors and coordinate with organizations responsible for the work to increase efficiency in working.  


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How to Cite

Polwongsa, A. (2023). Administrative Factors Associated with Teachers’ Work with Students’ Oral Health Promotion in The Healthy Teeth, Happy Life Network, Thunyaburi District, PathumThani Province. Region 11 Medical Journal, 37(4), 14–25. Retrieved from



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