Impact of mindfulness program on stress and blood pressure in Members with risk hypertension, Mueang district health service network Surat Thani


  • Punyanuch Kongsanae Suratthani Hospital
  • Sadakan Eamchunprathip


Mindfulness program, stress, Groups at risk for high blood pressure


Background: High blood pressure is a major health problem for people around the world, and it is the cause of premature death. Mindfulness stimulates the functioning of the nervous system and blood flow in the brain, stimulates the release of more dopamine, causing the body to relax, heart rate decreased but regularity increased. Therefore, causing the pressure in the blood vessels to decrease into blood pressure therefore decreases.

Objectives: To study the effects of a mindfulness program on stress and blood pressure in groups at risk for high blood pressure

Method: The sample group is people who have been screened as being at risk. There is a blood pressure level >120/80-139/89 mmHg, age 35 years and over, purposive sampling, random sampling into experimental and control groups by drawing lots. Matching the similarity of gender groups, ages, and educational levels, and meditation experience. The sample size was determined with the G*Power program, resulting in a total sample size of 70 people. The tool used in the experiment was the mindfulness program Mindfulness – Base Stress Reduction (MBSR). The content validity of the CVI was 0.87. The data were analyzed and compared using statistics: independent t-test and pair t-test.

Results: Found that stress and blood pressure before receiving the program were not different between the experimental group and the control group. But after receiving the program, it was found that the experimental group's stress and blood pressure were lower than those in the control group with statistically significant.

Conclusion: Mindfulness program can reduce stress and lower blood pressure levels at risk group with statistical significance.


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How to Cite

Kongsanae, P., & Eamchunprathip, S. . (2024). Impact of mindfulness program on stress and blood pressure in Members with risk hypertension, Mueang district health service network Surat Thani. Region 11 Medical Journal, 38(2), 82–93. retrieved from



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