The Development of a Barcode Scanning System for Recording the Processing Status of Drug Procurement Suratthani Hospital
Barcode scanning, Operational Status Recording, Drug ProcurementAbstract
Background: The medical supplies warehouse at Suratthani Hospital has implemented a barcode scanning system to record timestamps and track the status of operational processes. The system encompasses eight main steps, starting from issuing purchase orders and receiving drugs to the final step of submitting documents to the finance department. The data collected can be utilized for analysis and workflow improvements.
Objectives: To study operational statuses and enhance workflow processes by utilizing a barcode scanning system to record timestamps and operational statuses.
Methods: The study sample consisted of drug purchase orders issued between May 1–June 30, 2023, and August 1–September 30, 2023. A barcode scanning system was used to record timestamps across eight main operational steps. The study was conducted in three phases: Phase 1: Pre-improvement, Phase 2: Problem analysis and process improvement using Lean thinking, and Phase 3: Post-improvement. This action research compared the time required before and after process improvements. The tools used included the Barcode scanning system and the INVC drug procurement program, which recorded timestamps by scanning barcodes on purchase orders. Data analysis was performed using content analysis and t-test statistics.
Results: The time required for each step in the workflow was reduced 35 days. Overall, the duration of the drug procurement process after system development was significantly lower than before, with statistical significance at the level of P < .01.
Conclusion: After developing the eight steps drug procurement system using Lean thinking and implementing a Barcode scanning system to record operational statuses, the overall duration of the drug procurement process was found to be significantly shorter compared to the pre-development phase, with statistical significance.
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