The understanding of disaster risk and disaster risk management.


  • Ratrawee Pattnarattanamolee Khonkaen hospital


disaster risk management, hazard, vulnerability, exposure and capacity


Disaster risk management currently focuses on mitigation and preparedness. In term of mitigation, an understanding of disaster risk production is required. Hazard, vulnerability and exposure are the main factors that create disaster risk, while capacity is the tool to reduce disaster risk. These concepts have changed the trend of disaster management to pay attention more to mitigation and preparedness in the last decade. However, quick response and recovery are still necessary. Literature shows that the participation of the local community is a vital factor in enhancing their capacity, which will make them cope with disaster and also diminish their vulnerability. Many studies also encourage the concept of a resilient community, which is required the promotion of the national policy. In a climate-change-related disaster, a multi-aspect solution is required to overcome vulnerabilities and reduce some human activity related to global warming. The early warning system is an example of mitigation that can reduce death and injury. Therefore, the disaster manager should focus more on disaster risk management in the mitigation-preparedness phase


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How to Cite

Pattanarattanamolee R. The understanding of disaster risk and disaster risk management. TJEM [internet]. 2020 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];2(1):17-30. available from:



