Perspective for Disaster Preparedness in Thailand: A Comparison between Old Adults and Young Adults in Emergency Department


  • Rapeeporn Rojsaengroeng Navamindhradhiraj University
  • Jiraporn Sri-on Emergency Department , Faculty of Medicine, Vajira Hospital, Navamindhradhiraj University
  • Natchapon Sinsuwan Department of Emergency Medicine, Vajira Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Navamindradhiraj University
  • Alissara Vanichkulbodee Department of Emergency Medicine, Vajira Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Navamindradhiraj University


disaster preparedness, geriatric, Bangkok’s flood, urban disaster


Introduction : Bangkok is a huge city with more than ten million of population. It is important to have good plan for every situation including disaster. Nowadays, Bangkok faces with many disasters but there are a few studies of disaster preparedness.

Objective : To compare opinions in disaster preparedness between young adults (15 to under 60-year-old) and old adults (60-year-old and over).

Methods : This study was a cross-sectional survey in patients at emergency room of a faculty of medicine in Bangkok. We studied in 2 groups of patients between young adults and old adults.

Results : We did interview on 443 patients, 200 patients for young adult group and 243 patients for old adult group. The median age of young adult group and old adult group were 40 (IQR 26-51) and 72 (IQR 67-79) years old, respectively. Young adult group had higher rate of the good education level, good incomes status and low unemployed rate (p<0.01).
The Old adult group had immobility status more than the other group (p<0.01). Both groups were experienced in the Bangkok’s 2011 major flood equally (54.5% versus 56.8%, p=0.629). Most of old adult group thought they had disaster preparedness enough that was higher rate than the thought of young adult(p<0.01). Hence, there was no difference in the real disaster preparedness significantly in both groups . Young adults had better ability of communication to get help than old adults significantly. Both groups reported that the community prepared for disaster lessly. However, both groups had good support from their family members equally .

Conclusions : The most of old adults thought they prepared for disaster more than the thought of young adult group, However, there was no difference in the real disaster preparedness significantly in both groups. Future research should be the intervention for improvement in disaster preparedness.


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How to Cite

Rojsaengroeng R, Sri-on J, Sinsuwan N, Vanichkulbodee A. Perspective for Disaster Preparedness in Thailand: A Comparison between Old Adults and Young Adults in Emergency Department. TJEM [Internet]. 2022 Jan. 21 [cited 2024 Oct. 7];3(2):43-54. Available from:



