The relation between initial fluid resuscitation and dead among hemorrhagic shock trauma patients
Trauma, Hemorrhagic shock, trauma deadAbstract
Introduction Traffic accident is the leading cause of traumatic death in Thailand. It is necessary to provide fluids and blood in traumatic hemorrhagic shock patient. The proper amount of volume resuscitation in the early stage of treatment is crucial to predict the outcome of the patient. It is therefore important to predict the outcome of the patient's treatment process.
Objective To study the amount of fluid in the early stages and the mortality rate in trauma patients with shock. from blood loss
Methodology This was a retrospective cohort study where patients were divided into two groups. The frst group was traumatic patients who had shock in the early stages. Volume not more than 2,000 ml and the second group of accident patients with shock received in the early stages volume more than 2,000 ml. 24-hour mortality, 30-day mortality, acidosis abnormal blood clotting, surgery and hospitalization were observed.
Results There were 236 patients in this study, divided into two groups, 120 patients in small volume resuscitation group (initial IV fluide resuscitation less than 2000 ml.) and 116 patients in large volume resuscitation group (initial IV fluide resuscitation more than 2000 ml.). The clinical outcomes were death within 24 hours OR 0.86 (95%CI 0.49 - 1.50, p value 0.590). clotting abnormally adjusted OR 1.61 (95% CI 0.79 - 3.28, p value 0.188) acidosis adjusted OR 1.70 (95% CI 0.76 - 3.83, p value 0.196) operative adjusted OR 1.91 (95% CI 0.90 - 4.07, p value 0.092)
Conclusion The volume of fluid administered at the initial stage in a traumatic shock patient, it was not associated with mortality and, the incidence of acidosis, coagulopathy, and patients' surgical visits.
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