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Atika Singharatanasiri
Thawatchai Kanchanathaweekul


This study purposed 1) to study the competitive state anxiety of Thai professional football players, 2) to study Thai professional football player’s motivational climate, and 3) to compare the professional football player’s competitive state anxiety, and the motivational climate between Thai league-1 and Thai league-2. Samples of this study were 284-football players who participated in 2017 Thai league-1 (142-players), and 2017 Thai league-2 (142-players) obtained by multi-stage sampling.

          This study rereated as follows: 1) For Thai Professional Football Players’ competitive state anxiety, Thai league-1 had average mean of somatic anxiety at 13.22±0.41, cognitive anxiety at 15.25±0.51, and self- confidence at 36.28±0.41. Thai league- 2 had the average mean of somatic anxiety at 16.45±0.58, cognitive anxiety at 18.43±0.52, and self-confidence at 31.24± 0.49. 2) For Thai professional football player motivational climate in Thai league-1 highest score were found in these 3-items respectively; a great effort as a prize, each match playing improvement as the aims, and practicing for their weak-points corrections as player stimulation. However, the lowest scores were found in these last 3-items respectively, coaches’ attention paid to the star of the team, players’ changing when fault occurred during the match, and coaches’ interest only in the top players. 3) For the competitive state anxiety comparison between Thai league-1 and Thai league-2 football players individually, this study was found that somatic anxiety and self- confidence had significant difference at .05 level but no significant difference was found in cognative anxiety at .05 level. As the comparison of the motivational climate of football player in Thai league-1 and Thai league-2, this study was found that there were 15-items with significant differences at .05 level. In contrast, there were 6-items without significant differences (>0.05) respectively, coach’s need for updated skill training, belief in coach who can improve player competencies, player’s opportunity for each match playing, few star players in the team and every player’s need to make the highest point, encouragement for some players who should be trained  more than others.

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How to Cite
Singharatanasiri , A. ., & Kanchanathaweekul, T. . (2019). COMPETITIVE STATE ANXIETY AND MOTIVATIONAL CLIMATE IN THAI PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL PLAYERS. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 11(3), 97–108. retrieved from
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