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Patamaporn Pongpaibool
Chaiyaphon Horrungruang
ปริญ ลักษิตามาศ


The research was aimed at studying 1) creative marketing strategy level on souvenirs for tourism in Thailand, 2) creative marketing strategy model on souvenirs for tourism in Thailand and 3) development of creative marketing strategy model on souvenirs for tourism in Thailand in perspective of tourists of ASEAN countries. The questionnaires were constructed as a research tool for collecting data from 883 tourists of ASEAN countries. The data were statistically analyzed by structural equation model analysis: SEM.

The results were found that creative marketing strategy on souvenirs for tourism in Thailand was practically at a high level ( =3.94), which included identity, image, price and promotion, and atmosphere respectively. The creative marketing strategy model on souvenirs for tourism in Thailand was created consistently and fitly with empirical data and casual relationship model showed that perception of souvenir sale at tourist attractions, media and souvenir categories for tourism in Thailand were correlated with creative marketing strategy on souvenirs for tourism in Thailand at the statistical significance level of 0.05. Furthermore, the developed model had ability to predict at a good level and acceptably because the correlation was 88.6%.

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How to Cite
Pongpaibool, P. ., Horrungruang, C. ., & ลักษิตามาศ ป. . (2020). MARKETING STRATEGY MODEL TOWARD CREATING SOUVENIRS OF THAILAND’S TOURISM IN ASEAN TOURISTS PERSPECTIVE. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 12(3), 58–71. retrieved from
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