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Wanchai Kongpolprom
Chairat Choosakul


          The aims of this research were to study the performance factors for badminton players and to design the program to promote the performance for badminton players. The 325 participants were 230 badminton players, 30 coaches, and 65 students. The focus group was conducted by a panel of 6 experts. Research instruments included: the questionnaire on current conditions and the need of the performance building in badminton players and the focus group form. The data were analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test.

       The findings of this research were as follows:

  1. There were three factors of badminton players’ performance, ranked in order of weight of the factor scores from the highest to the lowest; sports skill performance, psychological fitness and physical fitness, respectively. 

  2. The results of samples’ opinions met the experts’ focus group discussion. Every factor was important to the performance of the player, but the consideration should focus on the most important factor in order; sports skill performance: the clear, the service, the drop shot, the smash, the net shot, the drive, the lob, the jab and the return of smash; Psychological Fitness: confidence, motivation, control and concentration; Physical Fitness: agility, muscle endurance, muscle strength and speed respectively. 

  3. The pre-experimental using pilot study on one group pre-test post-test design experiment before and after the experiment showed that the performance after the experiment, the criteria of the scores and the level of assessment were better than that in all aspects. In accordance with the opinions of experts it was found that the program created by the researcher resulted in the development of badminton players according to the research objectives and could be used to develop badminton players.

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How to Cite
Kongpolprom , W. ., & Choosakul, C. . (2020). THE FACTORS AND THE DESIGNS OF BADMINTON PLAYERS PERFORMANCE. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 12(3), 253–266. retrieved from
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