Improvement of Physical Fitness for Balancing and Fall Prevention in Elderly

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Arphat Tiaotrakul
Artittaya Wangwonsin


The purposes of this research were 1) to study risk factors for falls in the elderly and physical fitnessof the elderly 2) to develop a method for improving the physical fitness for balancing and fall prevention in elderly 3) to test the guidelines for improving the physical fitness for balancingand fall preventioninelderly4) toevaluate physicalfitnessof balancing and preventing falls in the elderly after their physical fitness improvement. The research was divided into3 phases.1) Studying therisk factorsof falls intheelderly and the physical fitness of the elderly 2) Creating approaches to improve physical fitness that would help them with balancing and preventing falls 3) Testing the guideline that help with balancing and preventing falls.Theresearchinstruments were Questionnaire, Guidelinetofocus group discussion, Senior FitnessTest, and Physical ActivityPlans.The data wereanalyzed byusing statistics, frequency, percentage,mean, standard deviation, paired samplet-testand content analysis. Theresearchfound that therisk factorsof falls intheelderly are deterioratinghealth, chronic disease, lack of proper care, accidents, and lack of exercise. The results from the first phase of the study as well as the health literacy and adult learning principles were used inthe preparationof the physicalfitness improvement plantohelp with balancingand
preventing falls. The result of the evaluation found that the plan was highly appropriate. The result of the physical fitness test and the development of the guideline had been well adapted to the real practice while working with all sectors in the community. The evaluation of the physical fitness on balancing and preventing falls showed improvement in the physical fitness of the elderly participating in the program from before the research

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How to Cite
Tiaotrakul, A. ., & Wangwonsin, A. . (2019). Improvement of Physical Fitness for Balancing and Fall Prevention in Elderly. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 11(1), 74–92. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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