The Model of Sports Training Center Management of The Institute of Physical Education (IPE) in Thailand

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Chatchai Sangsukeelux


This research of the Model of Sports Training Center Management of the Institute of Physical Education (IPE) in Thailand aim to assess the data if there are any requirements/ needs for the development of sports center management for the Institute of Physical Education excellence and to become a sports training center of the Institute of Physical Education in Thailand. The research also aim to study the management model of the sports training center of the Institute of Physical Education in Thailand. This research use descriptive research type which includes the survey research by using Delphi Methodology (Delphi Technique: EDFR) and divided into three stages are Stage 1 - an assessment of needs/requirements for the development of sports center management for the Institute of Physical Education excellence and to become a sports training center of the Institute of Physical Education in Thailand by using a sample group of 152 participants (17 persons from Chairman of Sports Excellent Center of Institute of Physical Education and 135 persons from committee id Olympic Sports in Association of Thailand) examined by the questionnaire; Stage 2—Delphi Research Techniques are used to study the Model of Sports Training Center Management of the Institute of Physical Education. The research are divided into three rounds with 18 specialists. The tools used in this stage are individual interview and questionnaire; Stage 3 - Group discussions for opinions about a draft of the Model of Sports Training Center Management of the Institute of Physical Education in Thailand from a group of nine participants of Professionals, Specialists, and relevant people (Focus Group). The results of the research indicate that the sample group of 152 participants shows their interest/needs in the development of sports center management for the Institute of Physical Education excellence and to become a sports training center of the Institute of Physical Education in Thailand at the highest score. This result of needs assessment is used as supporting information for the draft of the Model of Sports Training Center Management of the Institute of Physical Education in Thailand. Moreover, the research show that factors of strategies, structures, system, shared values, management, staff, and skills is keys for the development of sports center management for the Institute of Physical Education excellence and to become a sports training center of the Institute of Physical Education and for Thailand to have sports training centers with facilities for athletic success and to support them as representatives of Thailand in international competitions.

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How to Cite
Sangsukeelux , C. . (2019). The Model of Sports Training Center Management of The Institute of Physical Education (IPE) in Thailand. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 11(1), 93–110. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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