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Sudyod Chomsaha
Yongyuth Tansalee
Tanakon Panyawong
Sarayuth Somboon
Boonchai Lertpiriyachaikul
Narin Anantaklin


The research named “Decision Factors in Participating in the 41st Physical Education Institute Games of Thailand, Physical Education Institute Games” aimed to analyze factors in participating in the 41th Physical Education Institute Games of in Thailand. The respondents were 550 male and female of 7 sports kinds players of 17 campuses that participated in the 41st Physical Education Institute Games of Thailand “Physical Education Institute Game.” The research tools were the questionnaires inquiring the decision 6 factors in participating in the games and were analyzed by using percentage, mean and standard deviation

          The research result, was found that, most of the sportsman participating in the 41st Physical Education Institute Games of Thailand, were 370 male, calculated as 67.27% , subordinately were 180 female, calculated as 32.73% All participants were students of 3 faculties from 17 campuses, consisted of 272 students from Faculty of Education, calculated as 49.95% 174 students from Faculty of Health and Sports Science, calculated as 31.64%, and 107 students from Faculty of Liberal Arts, calculated as 19.45% Among these, 132 participants had experiences once in the game, calculated as 24.0%, 241 participants had experiences in the game for a few times, calculated as 43.82% and 177 participants had experiences in the game more than 3 times, calculated as 32.80%. There were 7 kinds of sports in the game , namely, track and field that was participated by 98 sportsmans, calculated as 17.82% , volleyball that was participated by 90 sportsmans , calculated as 16.36%, table – tennis that was participated by 82 sportsmans, calculated as 14.91%, sepak - takraw that was participated by 76 sportsmans, calculated as 13.82%, rugby football that was participated by 72 sportsmans, calculated as 13.09%, while hand ball and swimming that were participated by 66 sportsman equally, calculated as 12.00%.     Regarding to the decision factors participating in the games, it was found that, totally there were 6 factors in highly agreeing level by mean of 4.21, i.e. the area of self – competency development and priviledge side by mean of 4.29, the area of emotion and mental health development side by mean of 4.25, the area of expectation side by mean of 4.22. Besides, the area of required reward side had the mean as 4.18, the area of relationship side had the mean as 4.17 and lastly, the area of sports injury prevention side had the mean as 4.12. All were in highly agreeing level.

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How to Cite
Chomsaha, S. . ., Tansalee, Y. . ., Panyawong, T. . ., Somboon, S. . ., Lertpiriyachaikul , B. ., & Anantaklin, N. . (2019). DECISION FACTORS IN PARTICIPATING GAME IN THE 41ST INSTITUTE GAMES OF THAILAND “PHYSICAL EDUCATION INSTITUTE GAMES”. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 11(1), 111–119. Retrieved from
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