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The objectives of this research were 1) to explore the service marketing mix in Muay Thai businesses (Thai boxing gyms); 2) to investigate the competitive advantages of the Muay Thai gyms; and 3) to identify the effects of the service marketing mix in Mauy Thai on creating competitive advantages. This study analyzed data acquired from questionnaires. The Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficients were used as internal consistency estimates ( = 0.836). The research sample consisted of 400 entrepreneurs operating Muay Thai gyms which were legally registered with the Sports Authority of Thailand. The data analysis approach included descriptive statistics (percentage, mean, and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (multiple correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis). The results of this research revealed the following:
The Muay Thai gyms’ overall service marketing mix, which is comprised 7 elements (7Ps): product, pricing, place, promotion, people (or employees), physical evidence (or environment), and presentation, was at a high level. With regard to aspects which had the highest overall level of impact on producing competitive advantages for the Muay Thai gyms were differentiation, cost, quick response, niche market, and partnership. The study also suggests that the three service marketing mix elements mix which have the most affect on the competitive advantages of the Muay Thai gym business were promotion, people/ employees, and physical evidence/environment and presentation.
These findings can help guide the Thai government and related agencies in further development of this business area.
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The published article is a copyright of the Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University. The passage appeared in each article in this academic journal is a perspective of each author which is not related to the journal. Each author is required to be responsible for all components of his/her own article. If there are any mistakes, each author must be responsible for those mistakes on his/her own.
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