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Sasrinan Kanchanhom
Sarayut Noikasem


The objectives of this research are following; 1) to study the criteria in decision making selection of exclusive distributor of Sports Science Product Manufacturer 2) to construct forecasting equation of the criteria in decision making selection of exclusive distributor of Sports Science Product Manufacturer. The quantitative research was divided into three groups by purposive sampling totally 147 persons who joined in Seoul International Sport and Leisure Industry Show 2017 (Feb23-26, 2017in SPOEX 2017) at COEX Convention& Exhibition Center. Comprising with product manufacturers, marketing personals, branding owners and sport product’s manufacturers who have foreign distributors already. The tool for collecting data was questionnaire composed of 64 questions which was approved by three experts. Conbach’s alpha coefficients used to estimate the internal consistency reliability was acceptable ( =0.978). The questionnaire consisted of personal information and the 7 criterions of decision making selection of exclusive distributor of Sports Science Product Manufacturer.

          The research was found that the variables which are the weighted significance on forecasting variable affected of  the criteria in decision making selection of exclusive distributor of Sports Science Product Manufacturer, were sorted by descending order as follow; criteria on image and facilities (X7) which rated the weighted significance in standard rating approximately 0.590, Criteria on financial aspect and stability of company (X1) approximately 0.152, Criteria on relationship (X3) approximately 0.096, Criteria on collaboration (X6) approximately .087, Criteria on marketing (X2) approximately 0.048, Criteria on ability of warehouse management (X4) approximately 0.036 and Criteria on products and services (X5) approximately 0.028. Moreover, it was revealed that Multiple Correlation has significant different on statistics at level of .01 and multiple correlation coefficient is 0.904, and square coefficient of selecting, the independent variable influenced criteria variable (Y) or Criteria of selection is 0.816 or approximately 81.6%.

          The Equation of Forecast in Standard point is :

Z' = .590 (Z7) + .152 (Z1) + .096 (Z3) + .087 (Z6) + .048 (Z2) + .036(Z4) + .028 (Z5)

           The Equation of Forecast in Raw Score is :

Y' = .612 (X7) + .149 (X1) + .098(X3) +.087 (X6) + .051 (X2) .028 (X4) + .028 (X5) - .005


The criteria decision to select distributors is one of the most important issues in channel management for manufacturers. Our empirical findings are quite supportive of the conceptual framework to explore dimensions of distributor selection. The seven key factors in our model all have positive and significant effects on manufacturers’ selection of distributors, with all seven hypotheses fully supported. This indicates that manufacturers, when selecting distributors, pay attention to not only distributors’ facilitating & Image, but also distributor’s financial & company strengths, relationship intensity, commitment, the marketing capability, logistics capabilities and Products and Service.

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How to Cite
Kanchanhom, S. ., & Noikasem, S. . (2019). THE CRITERIA IN DECISION MAKING SELECTION OF EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTOR OF SPORTS SCIENCE PRODUCT MANUFACTURER. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 11(1), 219–232. Retrieved from
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