Model of the Utilization of External Quality Assessment Result for The Development of Institute of Physical Education

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Nawin Wiyaporn
Pimprapa Amornkitpinyo
Taneenart Na-soontorn


The purposes of this research were 1) to analyze the external quality assessment of the Institute of Physical Education; 2) to study the model of the external quality assessment of the Institute of Physical Education and 3) to present the appropriate model of use. External Quality Assessment developing for the Institute of Physical Education.There were 3 stages of research: By 1) Analyzing the results of external quality assessment for the third round (2011 - 2015) of physical education institutions and 17 campuses. 2) Studying the models used in external quality assessment of the Institute of Physical Education. Population used is institutional management. Campus and faculty 285 teachers involved in quality assurance in education. The research instruments were questionnaires analyzed the data by using  mean standard deviation and criticized the use of external quality assessment results in the Physical Education Institutions by using focus group discussion and  3) Presents a model for applying external quality assessment results to physical education institutions.

          The results of the research were as follows: 1) The results of external quality assessment classified by the ministerial standard on the quality assurance system and educational quality assurance system in 2010  is  the standard 1. The result of education management standard 2 in education management. The third standard in teaching and learning management is focused on the students. And standard 4 on internal quality assurance. showed that the educational institutions and 17 campuses had overall evaluation results. 2) The physical education institutes and the campus had the use of 7 external quality assessment results at the high level. By the Institute of Physical Education, the most significant form of assessment was used (mean = 4.11). While Campus uses format in group 7 the most commonly used evaluation and report (mean = 4.16) and the Institute of Physical Education and the Campus, the second model is used. The least known (mean = 3.65 and 3.90), respectively. And 3) Institute of Physical Education and Campus should use the format in group 1, consisting of The use of knowledge assessment. Use of decision-making The use of validated assessments and the use of instrumental assessments has increased because of the use of these four forms of assessment as a major and important step in the quality assurance process. And focus on practical use seriously and continuously. This will be developing the Institute of Physical Education and Campus to be sustainable. Experts agree with the form of applying external quality assessment to the Institute of Physical Education.

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How to Cite
Wiyaporn, N. ., Amornkitpinyo , P. ., & Na-soontorn, T. . (2019). Model of the Utilization of External Quality Assessment Result for The Development of Institute of Physical Education. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 11(1), 274–290. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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