แรงจูงใจในการเล่นกีฬาแฮนด์บอล ของนักกีฬาแฮนด์บอล สถาบันการพลศึกษา กระทรวงการท่องเที่ยวและกีฬา
Main Article Content
This research aimed to study and compare the motivation in handball playing of handball players at Institute of Physical Education, Ministry of Tourism and Sports. The populations used inthis study were 242 handball players participatingintheforty-firstThailand’s Institute of Physical Education Games, divided into 161 males and 81 females. The questionnaire constructed by the researcher was used as a tool of this research. The constructed questionnaire, the reliability of which was found at .96, contained two aspects: internal motivation and external motivation. The data analysis was conducted in terms of frequency, percentage, arithmetic average scores, standard deviation, and t-test.
The findings revealed that: The motivation in handball playing of handball players at Institute of Physical Education, Ministryof Tourism and Sports, was found at a high level (arithmetic average scores = 4.06, S.D. = .52).Theinternalmotivation was found atahighlevel (arithmetic average scores
= 4.19, S.D. = .45).The external motivation was found at a high level (arithmetic average scores
= 3.92, S.D. = .59). No difference was found in internal motivation and external motivation between male and female handball players. In conclusion, the motivation in handball playing of handball players at Institute of Physical Education, Ministry of Tourism and Sports, can encourage the players to attend the sports activities, improve themselves, accept their own ability and change their behavior in a better way. Also, the results of this research can be the guidelines for the handball coaches to arrange the motivating activities for their players.
Article Details
The published article is a copyright of the Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University. The passage appeared in each article in this academic journal is a perspective of each author which is not related to the journal. Each author is required to be responsible for all components of his/her own article. If there are any mistakes, each author must be responsible for those mistakes on his/her own.
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