The Model Development of Students Health promotion The Institute of Physical Education in The Northern campuses

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Sudyod Chomsahai
Tanakorn Changnoi
Suriyan Kanthipwarakul
Prachaya Chomsahai
La-ortip Indee


The research’s objective was to evaluate the state of health caring of students in Institute of Physical Education in Northern campuses to develop the health promotion pattern of students in Institute of Physical Education in Northern region, and to make the health promotion manual for students in Institute of Physical Education. The samples were 372 students from 3 faculties of Institute of Physical Education in Northern region. While the research tools was the questionnaire by 6 parts, and the statistics in data analysis was percentage, means and standard deviation.
The research result found That 133 students from Chiangmai Campus, the sample 35.8%, 68 students from Lampang campus, calculated as 18.3%, 109 students from Sukothai campus, calculated as 29.3% and 62 students from Petchaboon campus, calculated as 16.7%, For the factor in health promotion, was found that, in each campuses, there are exeroisers, exercising instruments, sports gymnasiums, and exercise learning, in the high level,calculated as 89.8%, Meanwhile, for the factor in food consuming, the items of the matters as there is enough seats, there is steriled drinking water, there is the middle spoons used on the dining table, students have information in food cousuming cornered eating vegetables and fruits regularly, and the students have information in smoking, in the high level as 5.35, students who don’t smoke as 88.4% students who don’t drink alcohol as 35.8% and lastly, students have information in alcohol, in the high level as 65.6% By the outcome the four side health Promotion Pattern and health Promotion implantation manual for students in institute of Physical education northern Region, have been finally made.

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How to Cite
Chomsahai, S. ., Changnoi, T. ., Kanthipwarakul, S. ., Chomsahai , P. ., & Indee, L.- ortip . (2018). The Model Development of Students Health promotion The Institute of Physical Education in The Northern campuses. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 10(3), 89–100. retrieved from
Research Articles


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