The Factors of Football Players’ Presonality Affecting on Female Spectators In Making The Decision to Attend Thailand Premier League Football Matches

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Sriwan Onlamul
Sarist Gulthawatvichai


Purpose: This research was conducted to study opinions about personality factors of football players affecting to the female audiences in Thai Premier League football match.
Methods: All the respondents were the women students at the age of 20-30. Most of the example respondent females watched a match within the football field because
they were impressed by the best result of their favorite teams, the real atmosphere. They often watched a match with their friends.
Results: The respondents had opinions about personality factors affecting to the female decision for watching Thai Premier League within the football field in 2 ways.
Firstly, physical personality of football players. The other is personality skills of football players.
Conclusion: In this research, we found that the factor of physical personality and capability personality factor of the athlete had a tendency to affect the female audience’s
decision to visit the football match or may be said that football players were the main factor that makes women visit the Thai Premier League football.

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How to Cite
Onlamul, S. ., & Gulthawatvichai, S. . (2018). The Factors of Football Players’ Presonality Affecting on Female Spectators In Making The Decision to Attend Thailand Premier League Football Matches. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 10(3), 115–126. retrieved from
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