The Influence of Service Quality, Team Attachment and the satisfaction affects Team Loyalty with Fan Club in the Thai Premier League club

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Wassana Bootpo
Wisit Rittiboonchai


This research aimed: 1) the influence of quality of service participation and the satisfaction that affects loyalty in the Thai Premier League club. The population used in this study was the fanclubs from the Thai Premier League Football Club 802 persons. The data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, analysisof variance and multiple regression analysis. 2) tocomparethe differences in background that affect loyalty in Thai Premier League of Fan clubs.
The research found that: 1) Quality of service, participation. And satisfaction in fluence of loyalty on Thai Premier League clubs is statistically significant in all aspects. 2) Personal background Affected Loyalty toThai Premier League clubs, sex, age, education, occupation, income and duration of this club. Y (loyalty in Thai Premier League club) = 0.89 +0.24 X1 (Satisfaction) +0.46 X2 (Quality of service) +0.10 X3 (Participation) This equation the power of prediction is 88 percent.

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How to Cite
Bootpo, W. ., & Rittiboonchai, . W. . (2018). The Influence of Service Quality, Team Attachment and the satisfaction affects Team Loyalty with Fan Club in the Thai Premier League club. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 10(3), 161–172. retrieved from
Research Articles


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