Factors Affecting on Quality of Work life of Instructors Faculty of Education, Institutes of Physical Education

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Siriwan Sukdee


Purpose to Study Factors Affecting on Quality of Work life of Instructors Faculty of Education, Institutes of Physical Education. The Subjects of 150 were Stratified Random  Sampling from lecturer of Faculty of Education, Institutes of Physical Education in Academic Years 2016. The Data were then Analyzed interms of Mean, Standard Deviationand Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis.
1. The Study of Factors Affecting on Quality of Work life of Instructors Faculty of Education, Physical Education Institutes: Pride in the organization, Work attitude, Trust and accept goalsand values and Motivation to work found that Asa whole, were at a high level.
2. Quality of Work life of Instructors Faculty of Education, Institutes of Physical Education was at a high level.
3. The factors which could Quality of Work life of Instructors Faculty of Education, Institutes of Physical Education comprised these 2 variables: Motivation to work and Pride in the organization. These 2 factors could predict a Quality of Work life of Instructors Faculty of Education, Institutes of Physical Education about percentage of 62.90 The significantly predicted equations were as follows :

In term of raw scores were : Y/ = .439 + .493 (X5) + .368 (X2)
In term of standard scores were : Z/Y = .519 (Z X5) + .315 (Z X2)

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How to Cite
Sukdee, S. (2018). Factors Affecting on Quality of Work life of Instructors Faculty of Education, Institutes of Physical Education. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 10(3), 179–182. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TNSUJournal/article/view/248250
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