Tourism Management on the Concept of Low Carbon Destination: A Case Study of Koh Mak Island, Trat Province

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Umaporn Boonphetkaew
Issarapong Poltanee


This qualitative researchon tourism management aimed to: 1) Study the sustainable tourism management, a case study of Koh Mak, Trat province, on the concept of the Low Carbon Destination; 2) Analyze the potential which is important for developing sustainable tourism management, a case study of Koh Mak, Trat province with in-depth interviews of the people involved in tourism, including using the method of participant observation and non-participant observation while operating tourism activities. The research found that the sustainable tourism management of Koh Mak, Trat province, on the concept of the Low Carbon Destination is an approach to help increase the potential of tourism management related to sustainability. It can also create a good conscience concerning the realization of the importance of natural resources and taking action to conserve them, as well as sustainable tourism management, rather than focusingon the income and benefits. That is to say, some useful and environmentally friendly technologies have been applied to use in sustainable tourism management. Specifically, this intends to apply tourism as a tool for natural resources and the environmental conservation, as well as maintain cultural traditions and lifestyle in the community. Moreover, it also gives the community an opportunity totake part intourism activities both directlyand indirectly inorder toimprove the quality of life in the community.

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How to Cite
Boonphetkaew, U. ., & Poltanee, I. . (2018). Tourism Management on the Concept of Low Carbon Destination: A Case Study of Koh Mak Island, Trat Province. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 10(3), 221–234. retrieved from
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