Management Model of Thai Boxing Matches for Peace in the Southernmost Province of Thailand

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Yongsak N Songkla
Silprachai Suwantada
Rajanee Quanboonchan


Purpose: To study and develop a management model of Thai boxing matches for peace in the southernmost provinces of Thailand. 
Methods: This study was divided into 3 stages. The first stage was to analyze and synthesize data regarding problems,obstacles and causes of southernmost people’s needs. Data was collected from documents, academic textbooks and related research articles as well as an interview conducted on 10 experts, professionals and involved parties to create a conceptual framework for the research.The second stage was to develop a management model of Thai boxing matches to make peace in the southernmost provinces of Thailand. Delphi Technique was used together with analysis and synthesis of Thai boxing competition strategy collected from interviewing 17 experts, professionals and related parties. The last stage was tocheck appropriateness and feasibility of the model througha group discussion between 12 experts, professionals and people in Thai boxing industry.

Results:The management model of Thai boxing matches was composed of an objective and a methodology, with 9 components: 1)humanresources; 2) financial budget; 3)equipment; 4) Thai boxing matches; 5) public relation; 6) people participation; 7) understanding in the community; 8) community access through community activities; and 9) community development with people.
Conclusion: The management model of Thai boxing matches for peace in the southern most provinces of Thailand is appropriate and applicable. Median and Interquartile Range highly conformed in all items, with Mdn-Mo< 1.00 IR<1.50 and IOC=1 

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How to Cite
N Songkla, Y. ., Suwantada, . S. ., & Quanboonchan, R. . (2018). Management Model of Thai Boxing Matches for Peace in the Southernmost Province of Thailand. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 10(3), 243–256. retrieved from
Research Articles


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