Chinese Learning Management of Mattayomsuksa Students Under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Six

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Ratiporn Sanruayngern
Dhorn Suntrayuth


The objectives of the research was to focus on the studying about chinese learning management for students in high school of The Secondary Educational Service Area 6. The samples who was studied were Chinese teachers and academic directors in high school of The Secondary Educational Service Area 6. The research Instruments are the questionnaires about the condition of the respondents and the management of learning and teaching Chinese Language for students in high school of The Secondary Educational Service Area 6. The Reliability of Questionnaires by Coefficient Alpha of Cronbach is 0.981. Data were analyzed by were Mean (gif.latex?\bar{x}), Standard Deviation (S.D.) and Connoisseurship. By following the standard of learning Chinese language in four different skills. They are Language for communication, Language and Culture, Language and Relationship with Other Learning Areas,Language and Relationship with Community and the world.Therefore
the opinions of professional who are teaching Chinese Language of students in high school to be under the Secondary Educational Service Area 6.

The results of the study were as follow: (1) chinese learning management of matthayomsuksa students under the secondary educational service area 6 was approximately at high level. (2) Chinese teaching for the students of Educational Service Area6 was different approximately 0.5 from basic levelof Chinese learning. (3)The opinions from the experts could separate as Language for Communications, the students who studied Chinese could listen, speak, read and write Chinese well but each students could doeach skills differently, some spoke well and some wrote well. In addition, other students who did not study in Chinese Program could listen, speak, read, and write worse than the Chinese Program students. The Language and Cultures, the students could call each items around them in Chinese but analyzing or summarizing main ideas of news were quite too hard, but they could do if teachers gave them enough time. Then, the students usually
past tense the Chinese basic cultures that they learnt. The Language and Relationship for other Educational Program, the students could analyze how different between Thai and Chinese well. Some students could adapt to use Chinese in dairy life but not at all. The Language for Social and World, the students could communicate in real situations. They could talkor communicate well byusing words that they learnt. However, publishing or promoting school to native Chinese was quite hard because speaking with native Chinese had to spell very clear and correct words to let them understand.

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How to Cite
Sanruayngern, R. ., & Suntrayuth, D. . (2018). Chinese Learning Management of Mattayomsuksa Students Under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Six. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 10(3), 257–270. retrieved from
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