The Management Model of National Takraw Training Center

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Patcharee Tongkampanit
Somchai Prasertsiripan
Kasem Nakornkhet


The objective of this study is to propose the management model of the National Takraw training center by analyzing the current situation of the national Takraw training center and to
illustrate the key factors of its management.The data was collected from document review, focus group of the executive committee of Takraw Association of Thailand, in-depthinterview
from 13 experts, and the questionnaire from 80 practitioners by purposive sampling. The research instrument is a semi-structured interview and questionnaire.The research tools were
assessed by index of item objective congruence and Alpha Coefficient from 5 experts. The reliability is 0.94.The management model created from this study was measured by public
hearing from 9 experts to reassure the appropriateness and its benefit. The result demonstrates that recently the national Takraw training center was managed following the principleof service marketing, resources management, management process, and network management, but itcould not driveand develop effectively.The positionof its strategies is inSO (strengthand opportunity) which means thetraining centerhas a strength from itself and has got an opportunity from the external factors. Actually, the national Takraw training center could apply these findings to establish the direction of its development to fit the goal. The key factors of the national Takraw training center comprise service marketing, resources management, management process and network management. These essential factors would deliver the operation of the training center to be more efficiently and sustainability. Inconclusion, the management model appropriated for the development of the national Takraw training center includes of strategy establishment, working structure, operational, and evaluation. The administrative committee of the national Takraw training center can apply these findings to practice systematically and to develop Takraw sustainability.

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How to Cite
Tongkampanit, P. ., Prasertsiripan, S. ., & Nakornkhet, K. . (2018). The Management Model of National Takraw Training Center. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 10(3), 285–302. retrieved from
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