Effect of Carbohydrate-Protein Supplement on Blood Glucose, Blood Lactate and Creatine Kinase Levels Recovery Period after Exercise

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Kornthip Limnararat
Borwarnluck Thongthawee
Napatsawan Thanaponganan


This study aimed to examine the effects of carbohydrate-protein supplemention on blood glucose, blood lactate and creatine kinase levels at the period of recovery after exercise. Participants were 30 football players, aged 18-25 years old. There were experiment participants were cycling at 75 percent of maximum oxygen consumption for 90 minutes. All participants received three different types of drinks, i.e., carbohydrateprotein (CHO-PROT), carbohydrate (CHO) and placebo (PLA) at the period of 15 minutes before exercise and 45 minutes after exercise. Blood samples were taken at 15, 30, and 24 hours after exercise Conclusion: Receiving the CHO-PROT in drinks to increase blood glucose levels during the period of recovery after exercise, did not affect the blood lactate level. However, the data suggested that CHO-PROT supplementation reduced creatine kinase level hence reduced the muscle damage during recovery after exercise. 

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How to Cite
Limnararat, K. ., Thongthawee, B. ., & Thanaponganan, N. . (2018). Effect of Carbohydrate-Protein Supplement on Blood Glucose, Blood Lactate and Creatine Kinase Levels Recovery Period after Exercise. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 10(2), 1–16. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TNSUJournal/article/view/248299
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