The Relationship Between Knowledge and Exercise Behaviors of Institute of Physical Education Chonburi Campus The First Year Students In Academic Year 2015

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Wandee Peuem


The purposes of this research were to: (1) study knowledge and exercise behaviors of Institute of Physical Education Chonburi Campus the first year students in academic year 2015; (2) compare knowledge and exercise behaviors of Institute of Physical Education Chonburi Campus the first year students who were both male and female students in academic year 2015; (3) compare knowledge and exercise behaviors of Institute of Physical Education Chonburi Campus the first year students who studied in three faculties (Faculty of Education, Facultyof Arts and Faculty of Health and Sports Science) in academic year 2015; and (4) study the relationship between knowledge and exercise behaviors. The population consisted of 198 people who were Institute of Physical Education Chonburi Campus the first year students. Collecting data was a questionnaire which was created by the researcher. Validity was 0.95 that was analyzed by Instant Programs. They used for finding frequency, percentage, average, and standard deviation. Moreover, they tested the difference of two variables by usingt test; they tested the difference of three variables by using f-test (one-way ANOVA). They also analyzed Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient.
Research findings showed that
1. The first year students had knowledge and exercise behaviors at a good level.
2. The first year students who were different sex did not differ from knowledge and exercise behaviors.
3. The first year students who studied in different faculty had statistically significant difference of knowledge and exercise behaviors at 0.05 levels.
4. Knowledge about exercise had statistically significant between the positive relationship and exercise behaviors at 0.05 levels.

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How to Cite
Peuem, W. . (2018). The Relationship Between Knowledge and Exercise Behaviors of Institute of Physical Education Chonburi Campus The First Year Students In Academic Year 2015. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 10(2), 193–202. retrieved from
Research Articles


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