The Intrapersonal Causal Factors of Alcohol Consumption Behavior of Undergraduate Students

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Chakkrit Ponrachom
Karuntharut Boonchuaythanasit


Drinking problem among undergraduate students is a continuous problem. Even if there are various agencies related to undergraduate students drinking problem have looked for solutions for the issue. However, recent studies showed that the problem could not be solved entirely. This may be due to there are multi-factors that cause undergraduate students drinking problem. This article is a literature review focuses on intrapersonal causal factors. Important therefore external factors change all the time because societies are dynamic. Therefore, if the causal factors alcohol consumption behavior of undergraduate students is found, it will lead to the design of sustainable behavior change in the future. The article has found that the health literacy, alcohol expectancy, drinking refusal self-efficacy affect the alcohol consumption behavior. Therefore, to tackle and reduce the effect of alcohol consumption, priority must be given to developing programs to modify the alcohol consumption behavior by there being in-depth researches to determine the proper way to effectively change alcohol consumption behavior for wide benefit further

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How to Cite
Ponrachom, C. ., & Boonchuaythanasit, K. . (2018). The Intrapersonal Causal Factors of Alcohol Consumption Behavior of Undergraduate Students. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 10(2), 251–262. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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