The indicatorsdevelopment of learning community in Institute of Physical Education

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Sanya Jantarod
Piangkhae Poopayang
Banjob Boonchan
Kittkhan Patipan


The objectives of this research were 1) to develop main components, subcomponents and indicators of Institute of Physical Education Learning Community and 2) to test consistency of the Structural Model of Indicators for Institute of Physical Education Learning Community with the empirical data. The research sample consisted of 402 administrators, lecturers and employees of Institute of Physical Education. They were selected by stratified random sampling.  The instruments of this research were interview form and rating scale questionnaire with the validity value at 0.85. The data was analyzed by basic statistics. The confirmatory factor analysis was analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using LISREL program. The consistency of the developed model and the empirical data was tested. The results were as follows:

1) Institute of Physical Education Learning Community consisted of 4 main components, 12 subcomponents and 99 indicators. The first main component was wholeness, consisting of 3 subcomponents with a total of 23 indicators including 1) integration (8 indicators), 2) oneness (8 indicators) and 3) identity (7 indicators). The second main component was professional community, consisting of 3 subcomponents with a total of 34 indicators including 1) organizational culture (13 indicators), 2) collaboration (8 indicators) and 3) transformation (13 indicators). The third main component was ethics, consisting of 3 subcomponents with a total of 22 indicators including 1) fairness (7 indicators), 2) honest (8 indicators) and 3) virtue (7 indicators). The fourth main component was credibility, consisting of 3 subcomponents with a total of 20 indicators including 1) expertise (6 indicators), 2) trust (8 indicators) and 3) dynamism (6 indicators). 

          2)  The developed Structural Model of Indicators for Institute of Physical Education Learning Community was consistent with the empirical data as follows: c2 = 58.63,  df = 39,  ,  c2/df = 1.50, GFI = 0.98, AGFI = 0.95, CFI = 1.00, SRMR = 0.013, RMSEA = 0.035, and Critical N = 431.86.

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How to Cite
Jantarod, S. ., Poopayang, P. ., Boonchan, B. ., & Patipan, K. . (2018). The indicatorsdevelopment of learning community in Institute of Physical Education. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 10(1), 231–248. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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