Desired Characteristicsof Physical Education TeachersInThe 21st Century According To Teachers And EducationPersonnalIn TheChantaburi Primary School Of Education Service Area 2

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Matchima Kamsuwan
Sarochana Singchom


The purposes of this research were to study the desired characteristics of physical education teachers in the 21st century according to teachers and education personnel in the Chantaburi primary school of education service area 2, and to study the relationship of the elements for the desired characteristics of physical education teachers in the 21st century according to teachers and education personnel in the Chantaburi primary school of education service area 2. The sample group consisted of school directors, vice directors for academic affairs/academic chief, educational institute committees, and parents, totally 377 persons. The research instrument was 5 points Likert rating scale about the desired characteristics of physical education teachers in the 21st century. The scale consist of 7 aspects according to Griffiths’ concept (Griffiths, 1956), including; initiator, improver, recogniver, helper, effective speaker, coordinator, social man. by finding the Alpha-Coefficient of Cronbach (Cronbach. 1994: 202-204).The validity of questions was 0.98.

          The research results revealed that the desired characteristics of physical education teachers in the 21st century according to teachers and education personnel in the Chantaburi primary school of education service area 2 as overall aspect and each aspect were at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the aspect which had the highest mean was about good sociability, secondly was about giving help, giving respect, motivation, creativity, co-ordination, and improvement, respectively. According to the correlation coefficient between the variables, it was found that the highest relationship was about creativity and improvement, secondly was about the relationship between co-ordination and sociability, the relationship between giving help and giving respect, and the relationship between creativity and motivation, respectively. The statistical significance was at 0.01levels.

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How to Cite
Kamsuwan, M., & Singchom, S. (2018). Desired Characteristicsof Physical Education TeachersInThe 21st Century According To Teachers And EducationPersonnalIn TheChantaburi Primary School Of Education Service Area 2. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 10(1), 249–268. Retrieved from
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