ความต้องการของนักเรียนชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 6 ในการเข้าศึกษาต่อ ในสถาบันการพลศึกษาสังกัดกระทรวงการท่องเที่ยวและกีฬา

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Kwanjai tansuwan


This study was intended to investigate the needs to study in the Institutes of Physical Education of Matayomsueksa students in order to find ways to plan for recruiting the students to study in the Institutes. The subjects were 1,587 students randomly sampled from schools under the office of Fundamental Education, Ministry of Education. The collecting tools were the writer's constructed questionnaires. The data were statistically treated for mean, standard deviation. The mean differences were compared by One-way Analysis of Variance. The results were presented descriptively.

The data were collected from 1,587 subjects, but with 1,296 returned, 81.67%. It was found that 123 students wanted to study in the Institutes of Physical Education, 9.50%. The majority expressed that they could get a job after graduation from the Institutes, 16.90% and 16.60% found that there were possibilities to find jobs. It was found that 16.60% were

sure to graduate. There were 1,173, 90.51% students who were not interested in studying

in the Institutes of Physical Education.

The majority of 23.10% expressed that they wanted to study in the government universities; secondly, 17.10% of them wanted to go to open universities and 12.30% wanted to go to private universities.

It was found that the favorable factors to choose the Institutes of Physical Education

were as follows:

  1. Personal factors:

Most of the interested students were male, 52.00%. It was founded that most of them, 46.30%, wanted to study science and mathematics. Most of them had grade point averages between 2.01-2.55, 34.10%.

  1. Economy factors:

Most of the interested students lived with their parents with their average annual incomes less than 120,000 baht, 55,10%. They hoped to earn 8,001-10,000 baht monthly after graduation, 45.50%.

  1. Social factors:

Most of the interested students were natives of the central region, but they studied in the northeastern region, 39.00%. After graduation, they wanted to become government /government enterprise employees, 44,70%.

As a whole, the students found that the Institutes of Physical Education could improve the student's personality, at a high level. Secondly, they found that the Institutes could develop youths of quality. Lastly, the students found at the lowest level that there were few job opportunities after graduation from the Institutes.

This study was intended to investigate Matayomsueksa 6 student's needs to student in the Institutes of Physical Education. The subjects of 1,587 students were randomly sampled and tested for opinions by the questionnaire.

The data were statistically treated for mean, standard deviation and mean differences. 

It was found that 9.50% of the students were interested in studying in the Institutes with 16.90% hoping to get a job and 16.60% to graduate.

There were 90.51% of the student who were not interested in studying in the Institutes, but they wanted to go to state or private universities.

The factors of interest were as follows:

  1. Personal factors were sexes as boys should interests to study in the Institutes, 52.00%. Their grade point averages were between 2.01-2.55, 34.196.

  2. Economy factors, the parent's incomes below 120,000 baht/year, 56.10%, were the greatest factor. Social factors were 39.00% as most of them lived in the central region, but moved to study in the northeastern region.

The students found that the Institutes of Physical Education could improve personality and developed youths of quality. The students found at the lowest level that there were few job opportunities after graduation from the institutes.

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How to Cite
tansuwan, K. (2010). ความต้องการของนักเรียนชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 6 ในการเข้าศึกษาต่อ ในสถาบันการพลศึกษาสังกัดกระทรวงการท่องเที่ยวและกีฬา. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 2(2), 1–15. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TNSUJournal/article/view/249567
Research Articles


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