The Trend of Pre - Service Physical Education Teacher In the Period of Fifteen Years (2008 - 2022)

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Vanich Niruntranon
Sasithorn Niruntranon


The objectives of the study were to analyze the production of the first degree level physical education teachers by teacher institutions starting from the period of the Third National Education Development Plan (1972 - 1976) till that of the Ninth Plan (2002 - 2006), and to synthesize trends of pre – service physical education teacher in the period of fifteen years.

Descriptive research was used in this study. The population under study were 194 pieces of related documents on the production of the physical education teachers from the period of the Third National Educational Development Plan ( 1972 - 1976 ) till that of the Ninth Plan (2002 - 2006), and four groups of experts related to the production and development of the physical education teachers, altogether 65 persons. The research instruments were open – end questionnaires inquiring opinions of experts in teacher production about the draft trends of pre - service physical education teacher production in the next fifteen years and data recording sheets. Tools for analyzing the collected information included a content analysis technique, and percentage.

Results of the study revealed that physical education production during the periods of the Third to the Ninth Plans was based on the philosophy orientating towards output and process rather than giving due importance to recruiting the able and moral students into the teaching profession. There were a lot of teacher institutions in both Ministry of Education and Ministry of Tourism and Sports but it was no unity of the production trend. Therefore, the physical education teacher institutions produced so overload students that they could have no work as teachers in four years ago. In addition, teachers' knowledge and teaching techniques were rate low.

Further, it was found that the production trend in fifteen years was as follow:

1) Factors of physical education teacher production were based on philosophy which focus on input, process, and quality of graduates. With regard to the policy should reform physical education curriculum, improve the quality of the faculty members, and recruit the able students in sports into the teaching profession.

2) Process of physical education teacher production were suggested that determining of curriculum should be geared toward the 5-year study in which students took major-minor, provide more 3 courses such as Thai language for teacher, English for communication for teacher and Leadership, emphasize the students be knowledgeable on academic both health and physical education courses, have the tendency to produce fewer teachers in physical education, and set up the committees at the national levels to ensure the plans and action taken not only demonstrate national needs but respond to regional and international calls for quality.

3) Quality of graduates should have a good understanding of the physical education content, have variety techniques in teaching, be skillful in Thai and international sports, have a good attitude toward their work, be able to manage physical education activities for the disable, communicate at least 2 languages effectively, apply educational technology in physical education activities, and be able to construct school-based curriculum according to educational reform.

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How to Cite
Niruntranon, V., & Niruntranon, S. (2010). The Trend of Pre - Service Physical Education Teacher In the Period of Fifteen Years (2008 - 2022). Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 2(2), 79–89. Retrieved from
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