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Purposes: To study the effects of health education learning management using visual thinking on learning achievement and creative thinking of secondary school students. Methods: The subjects were 79 seventh grade students, divided equally into 39 students for the experimental group who were assigned to study under the health education learning management using visual thinking and 40 students of the control group were assigned to study with the conventional teaching method. The research instruments were comprised of 8 health education lesson plans using visual thinking with IOC 0.96 and the data collection instruments included the learning achievement in the area of knowledge, attitude, practice tests and creative thinking test with IOC 0.90, 0.92, 0.98 and 0.97, reliabilities were 0.81, 0.82, 0.83 and 0.80. The data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation and t - test. Results: The research findings were as follows: The mean scores of the learning achievement in the area of knowledge, attitude, practice and creative thinking of the experimental group students after learning were significantly higher than that before learning at .05 level., and the mean scores of the learning achievement in the area of knowledge, attitude, practice and creative thinking of the experimental group students after learning were significantly higher than that of the control group at .05 level. Conclusion: Health education learning management using visual thinking effect on learning achievement and creative thinking of seventh grade students were higher than health education learning management with the conventional teaching method.
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