Factors Related to Institutes of Physical Education Image

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รุ่งราวรรณ เสนารักษ์


The image of an organization or an institute is very important to success in a long and short term. It is also a base of the organization's security. The purpose of this research was to study the relationship between factors with the image of the Institutes of Physical Education and building an equation to predict the image of these institutes. The variables studied were the factors on administrators, instructors, students, curriculums, technologies, building and grounds, expenses and communities. The sample consisted of 310 persons : 64 administrators, 110 instructors and 136 students, obtained by using the multi-stage random sampling technique. The instruments used for collecting the data were the models of 6 items for measuring the factors affecting the image of the Institutes of Physical Education with characteristics of 5-level rating scale, which had item discriminating powers from 24 to .94 and the whole reliability from .94 to .98. The statistics used for data analysis was a Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis.

The results were as follows:

  1. The factors and the whole image of the Institutes of Physical Education of a group of administrators, lecturers and students had statistically significant relationships (p< .05) with coefficient values of .686, .678 and .554, respectively. The best predicting variables of a group of administrators were communities (X8), administrators (X1), instructors (X2) and expenses (X7); of a group of lecturers were communities (X8), curriculums (X4) and buildings and grounds (X6); and of a group of students were curriculums (X4) and instructors (X2). The factors in each group could predict the whole image of the Institutes of Physical Education at the percentage of 72.90, 69.60 and 52.10, respectively,

  2. The predicting equations of the image of the Institutes of Physical Education in the forms of raw scores and standardized scores for administrators group, instructors group and students group were as follows:

           The Administrators group :

           Y' = 1.306 + .185X1 + .190X2 + .122X7 + .187X8

           Z'y = .246Z1 + .289Z2 + .197Z7 + .319Z8

          The Instructors group :

            Y' = 1.633 + .224X4, + .154X6, + .185X8

            Z'y= .347Z4, + .281Z6 + 324Z8,

            The Students group :

            Y' =  2.089 + .207X2 + .242X4

            Z'y=  .354Z2 + .419Z4

In conclusion, the whole factors affecting the image of the Institutes of Physical Educatior were the factors on administrators (X1), instructors (X2), curriculums (X4), building and grounds (X6), cxpenses (X7) and communities (X8). Especially the whole factors had accordance in 3 of the sample groups were the factors on instructors (X2), curriculums (X4) and communities (X8). The group of administrators, instructors and students of the Institutes of Physical Education could use these predicting variables as the information to support, plan, improve, develop and publicize as well as building the image of the Institutes of Physical Education. In operating as mentioned, it was regarded that the image happened from sight, belief, perception, person's experience, attitude, behavior between of persons and subjective norm. So these important things are regarded for supporting image of the Institutes of Physical Education.

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How to Cite
เสนารักษ์ ร. (2010). Factors Related to Institutes of Physical Education Image. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 2(1), 123–136. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TNSUJournal/article/view/252114
Research Articles


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