A Study Injuries of Aerobic Dancers in Chiangmai Municipality

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Kunchada Srisai


This research was intended to investigate the Aerobic Dancers Injuries in Chiangmai Municipality. The 197 purposively samples were injuried aerobic dancers. The research instrument was questionnaire constructed by the researcher, consisted of status of aerobic dancers, figures and levels and position of injuries, kinds of injuries, causes of injuries, first aid and rehabilitation carried out. Data were analyzed in to frequency and percentage.

The results were found as follows:

Most of injuries at body were shoulders (26.39%), low back (16.75%) and upper back (10.15%). The injuries at upper and lower extremity were at knees (31.97%), ankle (20.30%), foot palm (15.73%). The injuries at muscles were cramps (25.38%), sprain (17.76%). The injuries at skin were blister (16.75%), callous (15.22%). The injuries were not acute (73.60%).

Causes of injuries were from hard and no flexible surface (42.63%) not properly and suitably shoes (34.01%), bumping to others (10.65%) but from aerobic dancer themselves in the aspect of physical were lacking of movement technique (22.33%), less of warming-up (20.30%), and in the aspect of mental were lacking of concentration (18.78%), stress (15.22%), anxiety (13.19%).

The method of first aid in 24 hour after injuried were resting (35.02%), using ice (23.35%), compression (19.28%). The method of first aid in 24-48 hours were massage (28.93%), reducing ache by medicine (21.31%), going to hospital (19.79%).

The rehabilitations were threated by the aerobic dancers themselves (31.47%), doctors (25.88%), alternative medicine (20.30%). The durations of rehabilitation were less than 1 week (36.04%), 1-2 weeks (16.24%), and 3-4 weeks (12.69%) respectively.

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How to Cite
Srisai, K. (2011). A Study Injuries of Aerobic Dancers in Chiangmai Municipality. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 3(1), 145–158. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TNSUJournal/article/view/252209
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