Effects of Body Weight and Elastic Trainings on Muscular Leg Strength in the Elderly

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วิไลลักษณ์ ปักษา


The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of body weight and elastic trainings on muscular leg strength in the elderly. Subjects were Elderly from Baanbangkae. who had never heart disease, diabetes and osteoarthritis, First, thirty people were purposive sampling. Second, they were measured the leg strength (pre - test). Finally, 30 Subject were selected based on their pre - test scores. These subject were divided equally into tree groups, ten each group. A control group did not receive treatment, The experimental group I practiced body weight and group ll practiced elastic training, tree times a week for eight weeks. The muscular leg strength in the elderly were measured prior to training and after the 4th, and 8th week of training. Rusults were found as follow.

  1. Muscular Leg strength, experimental group and body weight group, before training, after 4th weeks of training and after 8th weeks of training were significant differences at .05 level.

  2. Muscular Leg strength, experimental group and elastic group, before training, after 4th weeks of training and after 8th weeks of training were significant differences at .05 level.

  3. Muscular Leg strength, experimental group and control group, before training, after 4th weeks of training and after 8th weeks of training were not significant differences. 4. Muscular Leg strength, experimental group body weight, elastic group and

  4. ps before training not significant differences after 4th weeks of training leg strength, experimental group body weight not significant differences from those experimental elastic group but experimental group body weight and elastic group were significant differences from those experimental control group were significant differences at .05 level. After 8th weeks of training experimental group body weight, experimental elastic group and control group were significant differences at .05 level.

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How to Cite
ปักษา ว. . (2011). Effects of Body Weight and Elastic Trainings on Muscular Leg Strength in the Elderly. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 3(1), 159–168. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TNSUJournal/article/view/252287
Research Articles


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