Physical Exercise Behaviors Through Playing and Sport Watching of the People in Five - Provincial Responsible Areas of Institute of Physical Education Srisaket Campus

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Wacharin Keethong
Chaba Keethong
Thanongsak Bunthengsuk


The purpose of this research was to bring the results of this investigation to be used as the way of instruction development of Institute of Physical Education Srisaket Campus in 2005 in order to develop the learners' characteristics of being the physical exercise leaders in accordance with the community and social needs. The samples consisted of 2,000 people and were drawn by random sampling from 5 provinces, namely; Srisaket, Ubonratchathani, Surin, Yasothorn, and Amnatcharoen. Each province comprised 400 people. Data were analyzed by using SPSS for Windows. Findings were as follows:

  1. The people exercised and played sports 87.35 %. People in municipality zone were 87.87 % and out of municipality zone were 87.31 %.

  2. The people who exercised and played sports indicated the main reasons as follows:

    2.1 for their health (76.78 %)

    2.2 for their joy (51.25 %)

    2.3 for enhancing their physical fitness (37.61 %)

    2.4 for the competition (23.52 %)

    2.5 for socializing with new colleagues (19.21 %)

3. The usual places for exercise and sport playing, namely;

           3.1 around in their home / neighborhood (59.31 %)

           3.2 at their school playground (48.45 %)

           3.3 at the Sub - District Administrative Organization playground (21.95 %)

           3.4 at a multipurpose playground (16.25 %)

           3.5 at a temple playground (14.50 %)

           3.6 the exercise time sessions were 5.00 P.M. - 7.00 P.M. (51.42 %) and 3.00 P.M. - 5.00 P.M. (25.22 %).

4. The people who got the most benefit of exercise and sport playing got strong muscles (65.65 %), enjoyable and relaxed (55.80 %), a better physical fitness (39.10 %), a better sleep (35.40 %), a better body shape (33.32 %), and better heart, lung, blood vessel systems respectively (27.35 %).

5. The people who exercised and played sports prepared themselves for exercise and sport playing the most were taking a warm-up activity (52.45 %), spending at least 30 minutes for exercise (49.25 %), playing until they got tired (40.90 %), proper dressing sportswear (33.95 %), and spending at least 2 hours for playing after the meal respectively (9.65 %).

6. The top five of sports that people watched and played were Soccer (59.01 %). Volleyball (48.00 %), Sepak - Takraw (27.70 %), Muay - Thai (19.40 %), and Basketball respectively (19.20 %).

7. 37.25 % of the people periodically watched the sports the most. They watched occasionally (27.75 %), watched everyday (17.12 %), and watched only the important match respectively (15.90 %).

8. The people who knew how to watch the sports watched from TV. the most (78.94 %), in the sport stadium (56.70 %), from sports news (49.32 %), from newspaper (25.45 %), from sports magazines (13.55 %), and from Video / VCD respectively (7.85 %).

9. The people who didn't exercise and play sports reasoned that

     9.1 there were no time (43.09 %) 9.2 they were not interested in any sport (21.54 %) 9.3 they lacked of sport equipment (6.75 %) 9.4 they lost time in working (5.47 %).

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How to Cite
Keethong, W. ., Keethong, C., & Bunthengsuk, T. (2011). Physical Exercise Behaviors Through Playing and Sport Watching of the People in Five - Provincial Responsible Areas of Institute of Physical Education Srisaket Campus. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 3(2), 15–24. Retrieved from
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