The Effect of Training at the Altitude above 1,300 Meters of Sea Level on : Physical Fitness of the Athletes Between 16-18 Years old : A Pilot Study

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สมิทธิเดช โม่งประณีต
ราวีวัฒน์ รัตนโกเศศ
วิไลวรรณ กฤษณะพันธ์
รพีพร ศรีไสว
แวน วัณณะพันธ์


The purposes of this study were to study the effect of training at the altitude on physical fitness of the athletes males aged 16-18 years. As a pilot study, we, therefore, designed our own experimental protocol for training. Data were collected from 19 football athletes males training at the altitude of above 1,300 meters (experimental group) and 23 males of similar ages training at sea level (the control group) for 28 days. The physical fitness variables included anaerobic and aerobic exercises, red blood cell, hematocrit, and hemoglobin concentration. All physical fitness variables were significantly greater in the experimental group after training. The data indicate that the physical fitness is greater in male athletes doing training at the altitude than their football athletic counterparts.

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โม่งประณีต ส., รัตนโกเศศ ร., กฤษณะพันธ์ ว., ศรีไสว ร., & วัณณะพันธ์ แ. (2011). The Effect of Training at the Altitude above 1,300 Meters of Sea Level on : Physical Fitness of the Athletes Between 16-18 Years old : A Pilot Study. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 3(2), 95–112. retrieved from
Research Articles


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