Effects of Circuit Training Program on the Development of Biomotor Ability of Chiang Mai University Personnel Athletes

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กรัณย์ ปัญโญ


The objective of this research was to compare biomotor ability of Chiang Mai University personnel athletes between before and after training program. The data of ten athletes were collected from before and after circuit training program. The results were as follows :

  1. According to the hand grip strength test, an averaged arm muscle strength increased by 1.55 kilograms. when compared between before and after training.

  2. According to the leg extension test, an averaged leg muscle strength increased by 5.36 kilograms. when compared between before and after training.

  3. According to the standing long jump test, an averaged explosive power of leg muscle strength increased by 5.90 centimeters. when compared between before and after training

  4. According to the stand and reach test, an averaged flexibility increased by 3.10 centimeters. when compared between before and after training.

  5. According to the lung volume capacity measurement, an averaged vital capacity increased by 345 milliters. when compared between before and after training.

  6. According to the shuttle run test, an averaged agility increased by 0.41 seconds. when compared between before and after training.

  7. According to the 50-meter sprint test, an averaged speed increased by 0.43 seconds, when compared between before and after training.

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How to Cite
ปัญโญ ก. (2011). Effects of Circuit Training Program on the Development of Biomotor Ability of Chiang Mai University Personnel Athletes. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 3(2), 113–128. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TNSUJournal/article/view/252316
Research Articles


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