การพัฒนารูปแบบการส่งเสริมพฤติกรรมการดูแลตนเองของนักเรียน เนประถมศึกษาปีที่ 5 - 6 :กรณีศึกษาโรงเรียนในและนอกเขตเทศบาลนครยะลา 2 โรงเรียน

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Supreeya Sitthikul
Natwipa Kongsang
Sompong Petchborisut
Sopa Kaoearn


This study was an action research aiming to 1) study the personal hygiene behavior of Prathomsuksa 5 and 6 students from schools in and outside Yala Municipality 2) compare the personal hygiene behaviors of Prathomsuksa 5 and 6 students comparing the personal hygiene before and after the use of the model.

The results revealed that before the model development, the overall personal hygiene behavior of Prathomsuksa 5 and 6 students from schools in and outside Yala Municipality was at a low level and at a level needed improving, for example, handwashing and toothbrushing.

The results of the model trial by comparing the personal hygiene before and after the use of the model revealed no overall significant difference at .05 in the school outside the municipality. However, when focusing on each activity, significant differences were found in toothbrushing and handwashing. In the school in the municipality, an overall significant difference was found and the only significant difference activity-wise was found in handwashing. Most found that the model was appropriate and wanted it to really be used in schools to teach the students.

Suggestions 1) Teachers of health education should use the Personal Hygiene Behavior Promotion Model to emphasize the personal hygiene behaviors and use it repeatedly in teaching so that students become aware of the behaviors and cooperate more in practicing them. 2) The use of technology such as e-learning or use cartoons or fairy tales which integrate the content and knowledge will attract students and make them willing to pursue correct personal hygiene.

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How to Cite
Sitthikul, S. ., Kongsang, N., Petchborisut, S., & Kaoearn, S. (2012). การพัฒนารูปแบบการส่งเสริมพฤติกรรมการดูแลตนเองของนักเรียน เนประถมศึกษาปีที่ 5 - 6 :กรณีศึกษาโรงเรียนในและนอกเขตเทศบาลนครยะลา 2 โรงเรียน. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 4(1), 75–98. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TNSUJournal/article/view/254456
Research Articles


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