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Triruk Waruthinkerd


The purposes of this research were to construct and develop a self-discipline training program applying Trisikha (Buddhist threefold training) and to compare the results of the self-discipline development of the students from independent variables namely: the self-discipline training program applying Trisikha, and the regular method.

The sample consisted of 80 students of the Chaiyaphum institute of physical education. There were divided into two groups, 40 students of the control group.

The male and female subjects were randomly and equally assigned into experimental and control groups. The instruments used for this research were the self-discipline training program applying Trisikha, and questionnaires either constructed or modified by the researcher. Crosstabs, Paired t-test, Independent t-test and ANOVA were applied for data analysis. The research result were as follows:

  1. The scores on self-discipline of the experimental group (the Trisikha training program) were significantly higher than the control group (the regular method) at the .01 level both after the treatment.

  2. The scores on self-discipline of the male and female groups were found that no significant difference both after the treatment. It was found that the two training groups (the Trisikha training program : the regular method) and the two gender groups (male : female) did not interact upon each other.

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How to Cite
Waruthinkerd, T. (2012). THE SELF - DISCIPLINE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHAIYAPHUM INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION STUDENTS BY TRAINING PROGRAM APPLYING TRISIKHA:. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 4(2), 1–10. retrieved from
Research Articles


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