The Development of Web based Instruction on English

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Kasem Changsanan


The purposes of this research were to develop and study for determining quality and efficiency of web based instruction lesson on English for communication. The research hypotheses were set to determine the web based instruction lesson's quality to be in a good level and the efficiency of the lesson would not be lower than the criteria of 80/80.

Populations in this research consisted of 18 students the 1st year students in the faculty of Sports Science and in the Faculty of Arts at Chumphon Physical Education Institute studying their first semester of 2007 academic year.

The instruments of the research were 9 units of exercises and 80 examinations developed by the researcher. The instruments were evaluated for the Reliability, difficulty and discrimination.

The results of the research were as follows :

  1. The efficiency of web based instruction lesson on English for Communication was 80.52/82.07.

  2. The quality of web based instruction lesson on English for Communication about the content aspect was good (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.48) and about the media production aspect was good (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.17)

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How to Cite
Changsanan, K. . (2012). The Development of Web based Instruction on English. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 4(3), 44–56. retrieved from
Research Articles


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