รายงานการวิจัย เรื่อง การศึกษาองค์ประกอบของปัจจัยที่ส่งwaต่อการใช้สื่อการสอนของอาจารย์สถาบันการพลศึกษา

Main Article Content

Nuanpan Chaima


This research aimed to study the elements of factors affecting towards the instruction media utilization of instructors in Institute of Physical Education and study characteristic of sub-item of the elements. The sample group are 265 teachers that to do in 17 campus of Institute of Physical Education. The researcher collected the questionnaire of the elements of factors affecting towards the instruction media utilization of instructors in Institute of Physical Education. The questionnaire consists of 52 items and the data were analyzed in term of mean, standard deviation of each item.

The factors analysis by extraction of initial factor together with the Orthogonal Rotation of Varimax Rotation by SPSS program for windows

The Result of Research are:

and interest of instruction media 5) Convenience for procurement 6) Convenience for instructional media utilization 7 Convenience for store and 8) Economization and low cost

2.6 Fashion of Instructional Media Utilization: 1) Experience of instructional media utilization 2) Acquisition of suggestion from friends 3) Acquisition training of instructional media utilization 4) Acquisition Information of new educational technology and 5) Acquisition Information of new technical instruction method

2.7 Knowledge and skill of instructional media utilization: 1) Knowledge and understanding of instructional media utilization 2) Knowledge and understanding of benefit of instructional media utilization 3) Knowledge of techniques and method instruction 4) Knowledge of learning resource 5) Knowledge and skill of art for producing instructional media and 7) Capability of using computer for produce instructional media

2.8 Supporting of the organization: 1) Policy of organization of instructional media utilization 2) Characteristic and responsibility of teacher and 3) Supporting for seminar and study of innovation and new instructional media

  1. The element of factors affecting towards the instructional media utilization of instructors arranges from the most important: 1) Attitude of instructional media utilization 2) Motivation of instructional media utilization 3) Service of instructional media utilization 4) Instructional process 5) Instructional media attribute 6) Fashion of instructional media utilization 7) Knowledge and skill of instructional media utilization and 8) Supporting of the organization

  2. Characteristic of sub-item of 8 elements

2.1 Attitude of instructional media utilization: 1) Assisted the lesson plan 2) Assisted instruction load 3) Assisted confidence of instruction 4) Assisted activate of actively instruction 5) Assisted atmosphere of instruction 6) Need for development instruction 7) Need for students have attitude for learning 8) Environments and atmosphere of instruction and 9) Add effective of learning

2.2 Motivation of instructional media utilization: 1) Supporting materials and budget from internal and external organization 2) Participation to provided instructional materials and equipments 3) Acquisition follow works 4) The part of receive consideration for goodness 5) Acquisition award and appreciation from administrator and student 6) Present educational work for progressive occupation and 7) Acquisition esteem for manner of instruction

2.3 Service of Instructional media utilization: 1) Organization that service of instruction media 2) Appropriation and sufficiency of instruction media 3) Convenience service of instruction media 4) Completeness of the place and the convenience of instruction media 5) Survey need of instructional media Utilization 6) Inform data service of media and equipment 7) Adviser for using and producing instructional media 8) Document and handout for using and producing instructional media and 9) The expert technology organization for advise using and producing instructional media

2.4 Instructional Process: 1) Content subjection 2) Learning object 3) Students characteristic 4) Learning model and learning method and 5) Learning activity

2.5 Instructional media attribute: 1) Specialty of instruction media attribute 2) Validity of Instruction media 3) Efficiency and valuation of instruction media 4) Modernism

Article Details

How to Cite
Chaima, N. (2012). รายงานการวิจัย เรื่อง การศึกษาองค์ประกอบของปัจจัยที่ส่งwaต่อการใช้สื่อการสอนของอาจารย์สถาบันการพลศึกษา. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 4(3), 67–76. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TNSUJournal/article/view/254742
Research Articles


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