The Development of Teaching Aids Through Websites In Institute of Physical Education Suphan Buri

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Preedaporn Duangjaidee


The objectives of this research were to create and development of teaching aids through websites in Institute of Physical Education Suphan Buri.

Prospective samples included 900 undergraduate students from the faculty of liberal art, the faculty of education and the faculty of sports and health science studying in junior to senior year, on the second semester, academic year 2553 B.E. and the first semester, academic year 2554 B.E.

Recruited participants in the study were 350 undergraduate students studying in junior to senior year, faculty of liberal art, faculty of education, faculty of sports and health science, on the second semester, academic year 2553 B.E. and the first semester, academic year 2554 B.E.

Applied tools for the study of internet based instructional media development included 11 internet based lessons using Macromedia Dreamweaver, Dreamweaver 8, Swish 2.0, Swish Max, Instant Demo, Photoshop, Photoshop CS, Macromedia Flash, Flash 8, Java Script, PHP and Perl., learning achievement assessment test and qualitative assessment test.

Finding had shown as the following;

  1. Internet based instructional media had got good content quality and the

technique to produce instructional media was good.

  1. The effectiveness of internet based instructional media was 83.86/83.53.

  2. Student achievement after the application of internet based instructional media was statistical significantly increased at .05.

  3. Students were highly satisfied with internet based lessons.

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How to Cite
Duangjaidee, P. (2013). The Development of Teaching Aids Through Websites In Institute of Physical Education Suphan Buri. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 5(1), 1–14. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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