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Yuwarak Sengwan


The objectives of this research are to analyze the educational quality assessment results in accordance with the strategies of institute of physical education; to analyze the needs assessment to manage of Institute of Physical Education towards excellence. Different tools were used to collect data from the sample groups: 1) interview with

twenty-seven administrators and five experts. 2) questionnaire with 369 administrators and lecturers (109 administrators and 260 lecturers). The tools used in the research are document analysis forms, interview form, questionnaire. Data analysis includes content analysis, frequency, percentage, mean, Modified Priority Needs Index (PNI Modified) and t-test.

The findings of this research are as follows:

  1. The eight strategies of Institute of Physical Education correspond with the results of the second phase of higher education external quality assessment (2006-2010).

  2. All management aspects of the current operation and the desired practices are of .01 statistically significant difference. The needs assessment has ranked research management as the first priority, innovation and information and communication technology management as the second priority; and, resource management as the third priority.

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How to Cite
Sengwan, Y. (2013). A NEEDS ASSESSMENT FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION TOWARDS EXCELLENCE. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 5(1), 39–54. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TNSUJournal/article/view/254923
Research Articles


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