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Wilairuk Treemek
Rungrawan Senaruk
Wanjak Kongprom


The Institute of Physical Education is the organization that is classified as educational service business. The factors are considered to define place and market share in service business. Each marketing mix affects and be consistent to each other to proceed the marketing of service business that will be accomplished as the purposes. The variables used in the study included the factors of product, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence and presentation. The sample included 138 first year students of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Institute of Physical Education who were studying in 2010 academic year selected by simple random sampling. The instrument used to collect data was five – point rating questionnaire that required the opinion on behavior of marketing factors affecting the decision making to study in the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Institute of Physical Education. The Index of Item Objective Congruence (IOC) was from .32 to .91 and reliability was 92. The statistics used in data analysis was stepwise multiple regression. 

The findings were as follows:

  1. The 138 respondents comprised 73.90 percent representing of the 102 male, and 26.10 percent representing of the 36 female. The age of 109 students were between 18-20 years old accounted for 79 percent. The 68 students were stay at dormitory that was the most of all representing 49.30 percent. Most parents of 74 students were agriculturists representing 53.60 while income of 61 parents was between 5,001-10,000 baht per month representing 44.20 percent.

  2. The seven variables used in the study were correlated at 01 level of statistical significance. The correlation coefficient was ranking from .225 to .754. When considered each correlation coefficient between forecasting equation and criteria variables, it showed the statistical significant correlation at the .01 level. The correlation coefficient was ranking from .248 to .622. The variable affected the decision to study were products (X1), people (X5), physical evidence and presentation (X7) and place (X3). The multiple correlation coefficient was .872 with .118 of standard deviation. The constant of the equation was 8.974 in a form of raw score that could forecast the decision to study at 75.30

  3. The forecasting equations for decision making to study in the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Institute of Physical Education in the raw score and standard score were as follows:

Equation of raw Score: Y” = 8.974 + 307X1 + 388X3 +.727X5 + 329X7

Equation of standard score: z = 311Z1 +.18723 + 361Z5 + 214Z7

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How to Cite
Treemek, W., Senaruk, R., & Kongprom, W. (2013). THE OPINION ON MARKETING FACTORS AFFECTING THE DECISION MAKING BEHAVIOR TO STUDY IN THE FACULTY OF LIBERAL ARTS AT INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 5(1), 55–68. retrieved from
Research Articles


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