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This study aimed to (1) design and develop table tennis learning experience supplementary program using electronic media, and (2) assess table tennis learning
experience supplementary program was used. The research methodology consisted of three steps: (1) creating and developing the research tools, (2) creating and evaluating the electronic media, and (3) using the research tools and evaluating their effectiveness.
In the current study, the electronic media were made available for students (1) to access and study independently anytime and anywhere both inside and outside the classroom, (2) to choose a lesson that suits their own needs and desires, and (3) to interact with their teacher and classmates through emails and social networking sites. The electronic media were comprised of 14 lessons. The lessons were delivered through Microsoft Word documents, Power Point plain texts, links to websites and web pages, VDO clips, news boards, message boards, homework assignments, questionnaires, tests, and glossaries. The results indicated that after participating in the learning experience supplementary program, the students in the experimental group achieved higher learning outcomes in all three domains than those in the control group. However, the experimental group demonstrated significantly higher learning outcome only in the affective domain (p<.05).
In conclusion, it found that the table tennis learning experience supplementary program using electronic media can enhance the students' learning outcomes in all three domains, but most effectively in the affective domain. This is probably due to interesting activities, incorporated in the electronic media, which address students' individual differences and needs
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