Development of A Physical Education Learning Model Based on Backward Design Process

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Prawit Pramarn


The purposes of this study were to develop and examine the effectiveness of a physical education learning model based on Backward Design Process. The subjects of this study were 373 Mathayom Suksa 1 students randomly selected from 10 schools under the jurisdiction of Ministry of Education, Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Province. The research methodology was divided into 2 steps: (1) a physical education learning model based on the Backward Design Process was developed and qualitatively inspected by experts. Its content validity and suitability indices were .86 and 4.01 respectively, and (2) the model effectiveness was examined. The research instruments consisted of the physical education learning plans with a content validity index at .98 and the physical education achievement test with a content validity index at .89. Basic statistics and one-way ANOVA with repeated measures were used for analyzing the data.

The research results were as follows:

  1. The development model of physical education learning based on the Backward Design Process was composed of the following major parts: (1) the basic principles, approaches, and theories of the model with a combination of the Constructivism Theory and the Connectionism Theory, (2) the model objectives, (3) the learning contents, (4) the instruction process, and (5) the learning assessment. The instruction process was divided into 2 phases. Phases 1 concerned designing lesson plans based on the Backward

    Design Process consisting of: (1) identifying learning objectives, (2) determining learning evidences, and (3) planning and providing learning experiences. Phase 2 concerned classroom instruction based on the designed lesson plans consisting of 7 steps. They were (1) learner analysis, (2) engagement, (3) exploration, (4) reflection and conclusion, (5) practice, (6) creation, and (7) evaluation.

    1. The model of physical education learning based on the Backward Design Process was effective in developing student's learning achievement. It was found that the achievement test scores of 287 student subjects (76.96%) were not less than 75%, which was in accordance with the research hypothesis.

    2. The differences between the pretest (X = 57.00) and the posttest (X = 78.50) of the students' learning achievement test scores were significantly found at .05 level. The differences between the posttest (X = 78.50) and the follow-up test (X = 77.20) were also significantly found at .05 level.

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How to Cite
Pramarn, P. . (2013). Development of A Physical Education Learning Model Based on Backward Design Process. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 5(1), 101–118. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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