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Payao Natepracha


The purposes of this research were to: 1) investigate the level of physical education student's professional ethics in the Institute of Physical Education; 2) analyze the factors of physical education student's professional ethics; 3) construct the norms of each year physical education student's professional ethics; 4) create the integrative research process for developing physical education student's professional ethics; 5) compare the results of development in physical education student's professional ethics with the constructed norms; and 6) compare the results of development in physical education student's professional ethics by using three integrative research methods comprising 1) Appreciation Influence Control, 2) Appreciation Influence Control and Participatory

Action Research, and 3) Appreciation Influence Control, Participatory Action Research and Mentoring. The samples for quantitative research consisted of 640 physical education students and 326 teachers in Institute of Physical Education by two stage sampling. Six point Likert's scale was used to collect data for factor analysis. The samples for integrative research process comprised of the first and second year Suphanburi physical education students. The samples of 24 students were divided into three groups: one control group and two experimental groups. One mentor and three teachers were participate in the experiment. The data collection was conducted by interview, group discussion, literature review and participation survey. Qualitative data was analyzed by content analysis method. The quantitative data was collected by the constructed scale and analyzed by one way analysis of variance.

The findings revealed that:

  1. As a whole and divided by academic years, the level of physical education students' professional ethics in the Institute of Physical Education was found in a moderate level, compared with the constructed norms. The normalized T-score of the first year students was 48 (=238.51, = 22.93), the second year students was 49 (=237.58, = 23.60), the third year students was 47 (=239.01, = 23.76), the fourth year students was 47 (=248.45, = 25.13), and overall student was 46 (=240.89, = 23.44).

  2. The constructed norms of physical education students' professional ethics in Institute of Physical Education were as the following: normalized T-score range below 35 was in an inferior level; 35-44 was a low level; 45-54 was a moderate level; 55-64 was a high level; and above 64 was a superior level. The results compared with the constructed norms indicated that the normalized T-score range of the first year students was between 23-77, the second year students was between 23-73, the third year students was between 23-77, the forth year students was between 23-75, and the overall range was between 17-77.

  3. Eight factors of physical education students' professional ethics in Instituto of Physical Education included 1) self-discipline, 2) role model, 3) sportsmanship, 4) generosity, 5) sympathy, 6) professional faith, 7) endurance and 8) honesty.

  4. Model of development in physical education students' professional ethics contained five major stages: 1) setting goals for development, 2) setting procedure and building up participation, 3) constructing development plan, 4) conducting the implementation and the evaluation, and 5) reviewing and taking action for new goal setting.

  5. Compared with the constructed norms, the results of development in physical education students' professional ethics were found that the first experimental group had the normalized T-score at 58 (=267.38, = 3.89) which was a high level; the second experimental group had the normalized T-score at 56 (=263.63, = 5.40) which was a high level; and the control group had the normalized T-score at 53 (=256.13, = 6.51) which was a moderate level.

  6. Significant difference in the results of the development in physical education students' professional ethics was found between the control group and the two experimental groups at the level of .05, whereas no significant difference was found between the first experiment group and the second experiment group.

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How to Cite
Natepracha, P. (2013). THE DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENT’S PROFESSIONAL ETHICS IN THE INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION BY INTEGRATIVE RESEARCH. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 5(2), 157–174. Retrieved from
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