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Chayanan Saisaksit
Suthana Tingsabhat


The purposes of this research were to 1) compare the different results before and after the experiment of the experimental group and the control group (Table 1), 2) compare the different results between the experimental group which received physical education learning management using circuit training and control group which received the normal physical education instruction (Table 2). The grade 3 students of the strong primary school between 8 - 9 years were selected by purposive selection and the sample were 64 students in Grade 3 by simple random sampling. The participants were divided into 2 groups. There are 32 students in experimental group which received the physical education learning management using circuit training. The research instruments were comprised of eight physical education learning management using circuit training lesson plans and fundamental test. Another group which received the normal physical education instruction contained 32 students. The research instruments were 8 lessons plans, 1 day a week. Each had 60 minutes and fundamental movement skills test with IOC 0.94 and 0.95. Then the differences of the average t - test scores of fundamental movement skills test were compared before and after the treatment. The results were as follows: 1) the mean score of fundamental movement skills after the treatment of the experimental group was higher than that before the treatment at the significance level of .05 and 2) the mean score of fundamental movement skills after the treatment of the experimental group was higher than that the control group at the significance level of .05. Conclusion: Physical education learning management with using a circuit training on fundamental movement skills of lower primary students can make the students have a better fundamental movement skills.

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How to Cite
Saisaksit , C. ., & Tingsabhat, S. . (2021). EFFECTS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION LEARNING MANAGEMENT USING CIRCUIT TRAINING ON FUNDAMENTAL MOVEMENT SKILLS OF LOWER PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS. Academic Journal of Thailand National Sports University, 14(1), 213–224. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TNSUJournal/article/view/255359
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